
CMA Office Hours with Amy Ford: Accounts Receivable and Inventory


el Jueves, 9 de Enero 2025


10:00 America/New York

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Agenda del evento

Register now for our webinar covering two important financial accounting topics tested on Part 1 of the CMA exam: Accounts Receivable and Inventory. Professor Amy Ford, CMA, CPA, will cover key concepts related to valuation of accounts receivable and inventory cost flow assumptions.

Amy Ford

Amy Ford, CMA, CPA, is a senior accounting instructor at Western Illinois University, where she teaches principles of financial and managerial accounting courses, as well as advanced managerial accounting and accounting for managers in the MBA program. Amy is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA®) and won a 2011 Certificate of Distinguished Performance for earning one of the top overall scores on the CMA exam. Prior to teaching, she worked in public accounting for 4 years.